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Order No. 1 of 2010 - T13615 - award rescinded - operative 17 November 2010

Order No. 1 of 2000 - T8926 - Award variation - nominated public sector awards - part-time employees and annual increments - application granted - operative 1 March 2000

Order No. 1 of 1997 (Consolidated) - T6512 - Award variation - nominated public sector awards - reword nominated awards consistent with other Public Sector awards - operative date 7 March 1996 - implementation of annualisation of recreation leave loading
Award variation - Tourism Tasmania Staff Award - Clause 5 - supersession and savings - operative date ffpp 16 June 1996
Rescission of nominated awards - operative date 7 March 1996

Order No. 2 of 1996 (Consolidated) - T6130 - Award variation - insertion of new subclause into Clause 8 (Salaries) - insertion of salary translation appendices - conditions of employment appendix - application granted - orders to issue operative ffpp 1 March 96

Order No. 1 of 1996 (Consolidated) - T5985 - Award variation - nominated private and public sector awards - "Supported Wage System" - application approved - orders to issue - operative from 23.2.96

Order No. 1 of 1995 (Consolidated) - T5264 - Award variation - variation of nominated public sector awards and agreements by 1.5% or $8 per week, whichever is the greater, effective from the first full pay period commencing on or after 1 August 1993; a further 1.5% or $8 per week, whichever is the greater effective on and from 1 April 1994; a further 1% effective on and from 1 January 1995; and a further 1% effective on and from 1 October 1995 - consent matter - application granted - award varied - operative ffpp 13 June 1995

Order No. 1 of 1994 - T4958 - Award variation - Public Sector Awards - Parties and Persons Bound clause - name change from The Tasmanian Public Service Association to The State Public Services Federation Tasmania

Order No. 1 of 1991 (Consolidated) - T3214, T3229, T3239, T3241, T3245, T3249, T3250, T3276, T3277, T3278, T3279, T3280, T3281, T3282, T3283, T3285, T3286, T3287, T3294, T3298, T3320, T3321 and T3322 - State Wage Case August 1991 - 2.5% increase - applications to vary public sector awards - granted

Order No. 3 of 1990 (Consolidated) - T2399 and T2508 - Structural Efficiency Adjustment - State Wage Case (October 1989) - Public Sector Awards

Order No. 2 of 1990 - TA55 (incorporating T2110) -
Referred from Anomalies Conference - Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Employees Award - Librarian

Order No. 1 of 1990 (Consolidated)T2146, T2147, T2152 and T2167 - to vary all private and public sector awards and agreements to increase wage rates and allowances generally and to review the wage fixation principles

Order No. 2 of 1989 - TP1 - determination of award interest pursuant to section 63(10)(c) of the Act

Order No. 1 of 1989 (Consolidated) - T1524, T1525, T1549 and T1550 - to increase wage rates and allowances generally in all awards and agreements and to review the Wage Fixation Principles - $10 per week increase

Order No. 3 of 1988 (Consolidated) - T1524, T1525, T1549 and T1550 - to increase wage rates and allowances generally in all awards and agreements and to review the Wage Fixation Principles - application of 3% to salary rates and allowances

Order No. 2 of 1988 (Consolidated) - T1216 - second tier adjustment
T574, T580 and T614 - Parties and Persons Bound, Definitions and Salaries Clauses; deletion of repealed legislation; and consequent variations to conform with the Tasmanian State Service Act 1984
T1308 - Technical Employee and Librarian classifications

Order No. 1 of 1988 (Consolidated) - T1135, T1136 and T1151 - vary awards and agreements in line with the National Wage Case decision of 5 February 1988

Order No. 1 of 1987 - T143-T150 - Chairman of Trustees of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery - Nominated Awards - to include Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery as a controlling authority