Department of Justice

Tasmanian Industrial Commission
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Industrial Relations Act 1984


T391 of 1986 IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Tasmanian Public Service Association to vary the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SERVICE AWARD
  re: Kilometreage Allowance variations for the six months ending 30 March 1986


For the Tasmanian Public Service
- Mr L Delaney
For the Minister for Public Administration
and the Tasmanian Development Authority
- Mr J McCabe
13 May 1986                Hobart  

This application by the Tasmanian Public Service Association (TPSA) is the second application to come before the Commission as a consequence of the Commission's decision in T33 of 1985, which provided a mechanism for six-monthly adjustment of specific kilometreage rates in the General Conditions of Service Award.

The first such application was T273 of 1985 (being for the six-month period ending 30 September 1985) and the Commission's decision of 10 December 1985 fully sets out the relevant calculations, which were based on the formula enunciated in the Commission's decision in T33 of 1985, dated 13 June 1985. That formula is currently reflected in sub-paragraph 2.4 of Clause 8 - Allowances, sub-clause O "Travelling" of the award.

In respect to the current application, Mr Delaney, appearing for the TPSA, tendered Exhibit TPSA 1 which detailed:

(a) the March 1986 Hobart CPI Transportation, Private Motoring sub-group index number, 159.6;

(b) the ABS National CIP March 1986 Quarter release, indicating the release date, 24 April 1986; and

(c) TPSA calculations, applying the T33 of 1985 formula to the March 1986 index number, and resulting in the rates specified in the application.

By application of the abovementioned formula a rate of 35.03 cents per kilometre is achieved for the Required User Category Rate A for the first 10,000 kilometres travel, and for the Occasional User Category the rate is 23.35 cents per kilometre. These two rates are then used to calculate the other percentage rates specified in the tables in sub-paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2.

Mr McCabe, appearing for the Minister for Public Administration and the Tasmanian Development Authority, agreed with the proposed rates and with the proposed operative date of 1 May 1986.

Operative Date

In the Commission's decision in T273 of 1985, I stated, at page 5:

"The matter of future operative dates will be the subject of future decisions. I can, however, indicate that I do not anticipate any problems with the continuation of an operative date commensurate with the beginning of the first full pay period commencing on or after the release date of the ABS CPI information, providing that the application is lodged promptly."

The present application is dated 28 April 1986, which was the first working day after the ABS release date, and was received by the Commission on 30 April 1986. I therefore have no hesitation in granting the operative date sought.

Transportation Cost Increases

In passing, it is of interest to note that for the six months to 30 March 1986 the Hobart Transportation Private Motoring sub-group had an overall percentage index increase of 2.835%, despite a decrease in the Automotive Fuel component of the sub-group for the six-month period.

Principles and Public Interest

The increases to the kilometreage rates granted herein are covered by Principle 9(a)(i), and there is no infringement of the Public Interest considerations outlined in Section 36(2) of the Industrial Relations Act, 1984.

The order giving effect to this decision is attached.


R K Gozzi