Department of Justice

Tasmanian Industrial Commission
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Industrial Relations Act 1984
s23 application for award or variation of award

Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia
Tasmanian Branch

(T.2606 of 1990)




HOBART 24 October 1990

Structural Efficiency


On 7 August 1990 the President issued his Interim Decision in relation to this award and granted the second "structural efficiency increase" together with variations to certain conditions of employment.

At page 2 of that decision the President stated:

"It was noted that the parties were continuing negotiations on a new classification structure for the award and would be in a position to report progress in September."

This consent matter now concerns a fulfilment of that earlier objective and the parties submitted a new revamped classification structure for production employees covered by the Aerated Waters Award. However there is to be a short transitional period during which the new classification structure will appear as an appendix to the award and then, from a predetermined date, will replace the relevant existing award clause.

During the transitional period consultative committees at each work place will go through the transition process of transferring employees from the old spot classification structure to the new broadly based generic type classifications based upon skill and responsibility.

The new structure involved five levels of beverage industry employees ranging from what has been described as the trainee entry point to that of the top operative level which requires an employer at that level:

  • To work to complex instructions and procedures.
  • To be responsible for the quality of their own work.
  • To assist in training others.
  • To work with minimum supervision and to supervise others.
  • To exercise judgement and take decisions within procedural limits.

Wage rates which have been chosen correspond with the key classifications which have been replaced and, prima facie, there should be no additional cost because of this. If there is any additional cost it will only be through a genuine reclassification as a consequence of the new structures and definitions.

The evidence before the Commission is that the parties have now successfully completed the second phase of a proper exercise in conformity with the requirements of the Structural Efficiency principle. And that exercise has resulted in establishing skill related career paths which provide an incentive for workers to continue to participate in skill formation.

Upon examination of the exhibit submitted in this regard the content shows that clear definitions exist, and that those definitions accommodate multiskilling and a broadening of the range of tasks which a worker may be required to perform.

There are established, in my view, appropriate relativities between classifications, and progression is achievable by qualifying for promotion.

In all of these circumstances I am satisfied that the granting of the proposal in this matter would be consistent with the requirements of both Section 36 of the Act and the Wage Fixation Principles.

Date of Effect

The Appendix shall apply from 1 October 1990 and expire from 1 December 1990, 1990, at which time it will replace the current award structure.

Order is attached.


A. Robinson