Department of Justice

Tasmanian Industrial Commission
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Industrial Relations Act 1984
s.23 application for award or variation of award

Minister for Public Sector Administration
(T6452 of 1996)




HOBART, 3 October 1996

Award variation - Annexure A - Drafting Officers translation to Technical Stream - consent matter - application granted - award varied - operative date 7 March 1996


This application has been made by the Minister for Public Sector Administration (the applicant) to vary Annexure A, Drafting Officers Translation to Technical Stream, contained in the Hobart Regional Water Board Staff Award.

The Annexure currently states, in the explanatory note, the following :

"EXPLANATORY NOTES (Drafting Officers translation to Technical Stream):

Translation is to the next highest salary point within the stream. For example, an existing Drafting Employee Class II, first increment (line 19) translates to a new Level 2, fourth increment (line 19).

In the case of employees translated from the existing Class IV, Grade 2, second increment (line 29) to the bottom of the new level 4 (line 29), there will be no progression in the new level unless the employee's position description satisfies the requirements of the classification standards for the new level.

Persons employed in positions on lines 32 and 35 translate to the next highest salary point. Such persons will progress to the top of the new level; i.e. in the case of line 32 - new level 5; and line 35 - new level 6."

Simply stated, the application seeks to delete the current explanatory note (along with the translation details) and replace it with the following :


Translation is to the next highest salary point within the stream. For example, an existing Drafting Employee Class II, first increment (line 19) translates to a new Level 2, fourth increment (line 19).

Persons employed in positions on lines 28, 32 and 35 translate to the next highest salary point. Such persons will progress to the top of the new level; i.e. in the case of line 28 - new level 4; line 32 - new level 5; and line 35 - new level 6."

Ms Watt, for the applicant, was of the view that the Order arising out of application T6130 of 1996, insofar as it relates to this award, did not accurately reflect the agreement of the parties. She said that this application was lodged for the purpose of correcting that situation.

Whilst no explanation was given in relation to how the inaccuracy occurred, nevertheless, I am satisfied that the variation sought, properly reflects the intention and decision of the Full Bench arising out of T6130 of 1996.

Given the foregoing, the award will be varied as per the application and will be operative on and from 7 March 1996, being the date on which Annexure A was attached to the award. Order


R J Watling

Ms A Watt for the Minister for Public Sector Administration
Mr R Clegg for The Community & Public Sector Union (State Public Services Federation Tasmania)

Date and place of hearing:
October 1